🔠Typography - Fonts
Updated at 2018-07-03 14:31
This note contains interesting fonts for future reference. To learn more about typefaces and their usage in general, check out the typography notes. Fonts are sorted by tone or emotion they invoke.
- Montserrat for headings ( 50/700) and subtitles (25/400), use with generous whitespace
- Skolar for headings or body
- Open Sans for headings or body, works well as body for Montserrat (16/400)
- Signika for headings or body, requires 20px+ sizes
- Georgia for body, looks ok, popular as native on Win/Mac/Linux
- Verdana for body, better than Arial/Helvetica and native on Win/Mac/Linux
- Noto Serif for body
- Fjord One for body, works especially well in small sizes
- Radley for body, goes well with Damion or Pacifico
- Source Sans Pro for body
- IM Fell English for headings
- Liberal Hand for heading
- FF Tisa Web Pro for headings or body
- Lato for body, good Gill Sans alternative
- Kreon for headings
- Crete Round for headings, feels soft
- Bitter for headings
- Roboto for headings
- Cubanofor headings
- Arvo for headings
- Ubuntu for headings or body
- Balto for headings or body
- Fauna One for headings or body
- Tahoma for body, better than Arial/Helvetica and native on Win/Mac/Linux
- Amaranth for body
- Bebas Neue for headings, feels massive
- League Gothic for headings, feels massive
- Brandon Grotesque for headings
- Din for headings or body
- Exo for headings or body
- Josefin Slab for headings
- Neutraface for headings
- Homizio Nova for headings, feels light
- Raleway for headings (600) or body (400)
- Simplifica for headings or body
- Kulturista Web for body
Luxury, Professionalism:
- Vollkorn for headings body
- Modum for headings or body
- Fenix for headings or body
- Novello for headings or body
- Lora for body
- Pirou for headings, feels marine
- Gibbs for headings body, feels marine
- El Capitan for heading, feels pirate
- Brandon Printed for headings, feels cowboy
- Aventura for headings, feels camping
- Atletico for headings or body, feels sporty
- Thirsty Dog for headings, feels wild
- Growl for headings, feels wild
- Radikal for headings or body
- Industry for headings or body
- Arca Majora for headings or body, feels heavy
- Inconsolata for programming languages
- Meslo for programming languages
Other strong identity:
- Barrio for headings, feels fun
- Pacifico for headings, feels fun
- Bubblegum Sans for headings, feels bouncy
- Lobster for headings, feels chunky
- Bad Script for headings, handwritten
- Blenda for headings, feels vintage
- Satisfy for headings, feels elegant
- High Tide for headings, feels academic
- Pompiere for headings, feels playful
- Delius for headings, feels playful
- Sofias for headings, feels girly
- Coming Soon for headings, feels childish
- The Girl Next Door for headings, feels personal
- UnifrakturMaguntia for headings, feels classical
- Millie for headings, feels industrial
- Playfair Display for headings, industrial, goes well with Georgia
- Abril Fatface for headings, feels classical
- Industry Inc for headings, feels industrial and cold
- Roccia for headings, feels like summer
- Gist for headings, feels retro
- Marske for headings, feels slavic
- Bellaboo for headings, feels hipster
- Dilem Handwritten for headings, feels hipster
- Late for heading, feels wicked
Fonts TODO
Neutral fonts:
- Futura
- Metro
- Myriad
- Frutiger
- Peignot
- Akzidenz Grotesk
- Eurostile
- Helvetica, but never on small sizes and UI.
- Rotis
- Fedra
- Bodoni
- Lexicon
- Palatino
Fonts for newspapers :
- PT Sans Narrow + PT Sans + PT Serif + PT Mono
- Times
- Miller
- Proforma
- Arnhem
- Swift
Fonts for user interfaces: These should all work on small sizes.
- Roboto (used in Android)
- Fira (used in Firefox OS)
- Ubuntu (used in Ubuntu)
- Lucida Grande (used in old Mac UIs)
- Verdana (used by Microsoft)
- Proxima Nova
- Open Sans
- Segoe UI
- Droid Sans
Fonts for invitations:
- Bodoni
- Walbaum
- Didot
Fonts for books:
- Caslon
- Minion
- Garamond
Popular in 2014:
- Helvetica Neue (iOS), but it is crap as UI font
- Roboto (Android)
- Avenir Next
- Source Sans Pro, Source Sherif Pro
- PT Sans, PT Serif
- Open Sans
- Freight Text, Freight Display (body, 16-20px)
- Proxima Nova, Gotham, Whitney, Didot, Avenir.
- Montserrat
- Lato
- Papyrus, Impact
- Oswald
- Merriweather
- Gentium, Neuton