💬 Copywriting
💬 Copywriting
Updated at 2014-01-31 01:56
Copy is term used for texts on the web e.g. on a website or in an email. Copywriting is act of writing the copy and is related to writing in general. This note is about writing inviting, readable and interesting copy.
Copy can be divided roughly into three parts:
- Headcopy: contains the headline, hinting what the page is about.
- Macrocopy: contains texts that are marketing the product e.g. slogan, case stories, benefit listing, testimonials.
- Microcopy: contains texts that support usability e.g. form labels, instructional texts and wordings on buttons.
These headcopy notes apply to all headlines e.g. blog posts, videos and emails, but are a few additional notes related to specific kind of headlines:
- Headlines for emails: email marketing notes
- Headlines for a landing page: landing page notes.
- Headlines for blog posts and other content: headlines notes
Refer to macrocopy notes.
Refer to microcopy notes.
- Five Ways To Prevent Bad Microcopy
- Quick Course On Effective Website Copywriting
- Five Copywriting Errors That Can Ruin A Company’s Website
- Writing Microcopy
- How to Make Your Form Error Messages More Reassuring
- 10 Ways to Write Damn Good Copy
- How Understanding Your Customer Will Help You Create Copy That Sells
- Voice and Tone