⬇️ Markdown Guide
Updated at 2011-03-09 17:00
This note contains full markdown syntax.
First-level heading
Second-level heading
### Third-level heading
#### Fourth-level heading
Paragraph is one or more consecutive lines of text separated by one or
more of black lines. Do not indent. Line breaks are removed, you can force
a line break by placing two spaces at the end of a line.
* a list item
* a list subitem
* a list item
* you can also use - or + while
hanging indention encouraged
1. a list item
2. a list item
1986\. escaped start of line.
Inline code is marked with `backticks`.
Code block are marked with three backticks ```.
> This is a
> block quote.
> With nested block quote.
– **Author**, book.
[inline link](www.example.com)
[link in footer][footer_id]
Horizontal Lines:
* * *
- - -
Fancy UTF-8 stuff:
├── config.json
├── contents
│ └── archive.md
└── articles
└── another-test
└── index.md
[footer_id]: www.example.com "link title here"