
🦀 Rust
New Project

Updated at 2025-02-01 11:58

A simple reminder for myself how to create a new Rust project.

... I use Rust infrequently and forget the exact spells that need to be cast.

# install and activate the latest version of Rust
mise shell rust@`mise ls-remote rust | tail -n1`
cargo --version

# create the crate (the package)
# decide package name and if it --bin or --lib to begin with
cargo init --bin my_app
cd my_app/
mise use rust@`mise current rust`

# add Rust source code for IDE support
rustup component add rust-src

Configure the IDE to use the Rust toolchain and standard library source code:

# ofc, replace the paths and version with your own

Toolchain Location:

Standard Library Source:
cargo run
   Compiling undead v0.1.0 (/home/me/my_app)
    Finished `dev` profile [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.30s
     Running `target/debug/my_app`
Hello, world!