🖥️ iTerm - ⌨️ Keybindings
Updated at 2015-10-27 15:56
It's very frustrating to back and forth between terminal and your editor/IDE to find a missing keybinding breaking your flow. Here is my basic setup.
- Set ALT to work as an escape character.
iTerm -> Preferences -> Profiles -> Keys -> Left Option acts as +Esc
- Add new keyboard shortcut from the same window.
+ -> Keyboard Shortcut: ALT + LEFT Action: Send Escape Sequence Esc+: b + -> Keyboard Shortcut: ALT + RIGHT Action: Send Escape Sequence Esc+: f + -> Keyboard Shortcut: CMD + LEFT Action: Send Escape Sequence Esc+: [H + -> Keyboard Shortcut: CMD + LEFT Action: Send Escape Sequence Esc+: [F + -> Keyboard Shortcut: CMD + BACKSPACE Action: Send Hex Code Hex Code: 0x15 (CTRL+U)
- ALT + BACKSPACE should already remove up to previous word.
- Go to Global Shortcut Keys through the header nav.
- Change CMD + UP to "Scroll One Page Up"
- Change CMD + DOWN to "Scroll One Page DOWN"
Extra tips:
How to select and copy text from iTerm without using your mouse:
- Press CTRL + F to start a search.
- Type the first part of the pattern what you want to select.
- Press ENTER to go to the previous upwards, SHIFT+ENTER to go downwards.
- Press TAB to expand selection to the right, or SHIFT+TAB to expand to the left.
- You can press Esc or CTRL + F to close the search.
- Copy the text with Cmd + C
How to find a command from your command history:
- Press CTRL + R
- Type part of the command to search.
- Press CTRL + R to cycle through all the matches.
- Press ENTER to execute.
Other important keybindings:
Cmd + D = Split tab to 2 panes side by side.
Cmd + Shift + D = Split tab to 2 panes on top of each other.
Cmd + [ = Next pane
Cmd + ] = Previous pane
Cmd + Alt + I = Send next inputs to all panes AND tabs in the current window